Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Letter to President Oaks

    I recently saw this letter written by Kyle Pederson to Elder Oaks, and I found it to be very true and inspiring.

As can only be expected Elder Oaks responded without remorse.

Kyle's letter is so true, thats exactly what I thought when I heard Oak's talk in general conference, it takes bravery to stand up to a widely accepted closed mindedness and bigotry that unfortunately exists in the church and some of the brethren. Oaks and Packer will certainly be looked back on with shame for many of their statements as many members look back on the statements given by Bruce R McConkie and others, the fear of being looked on as walking off the path because we do not see things as others do, it can be hard to stand up for what we know is right, yay for the true pioneers like Kyle Pederson! I am also so very grateful for the leaders that we have that epitomize Christlike love and help us focus on the true meaning of the gospel such as my favorite apostle Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Scripture study notes.

      So every once and a while I'll go through my scripture study notes to remember those little personal revelations God gives me whether its in church, at home or out and about. so here are just a few, I'll post more later.

The atonement is like piano lessons, mom has already payed for the lessons, she does not ask for us to pay her back but to practice and improve ourselves that is what makes our mother proud, improving ourselves.

Christ said and did some controversial things.

its easy to die for christ, its hard to live for him.

I need to let go of any ill feeling toward anyone no matter how well justified.

Being perfect is being whole.